Hello friends. You may have noticed an unfortunate and unpleasant change at the A-List: I haven't been posting. The truth of the matter is that I have been too busy with my fiction writing to regularly put together content for the site, and therefore, I will be leaving the site for the present. I have still been updating my Movie Thoughts column over at my Patreon, because I do still watch a lot of movies and the goal of Movie Thoughts is to write about every single movie I watch. I think ultimately that sort of format has overtaken the directed reviews here at the A-List, where I focus on my favorite trash films and almost totally ignore the high-budget movies I enjoy, as well as the films which bring me great pain but which may provide entertaining reviews for you, the reader. Thus I encourage you to check out my $1 tier and see my movie reviews in a wider scope.
The beautiful thing about a site like Atom Mudman's A-List is that I can return at any time. And I think I will, if fate desires it. If there is one regret I have, it's that I'm walking away from Continuity Cavalcade with only two episodes under my belt. I hope to return to that show at some point, in some form or another, because continuity is a fascinating concept and I know people like learning about how it manifests in fiction.
Fiction has always compelled me more than anything, and it's my ultimate goal in life to survive off my earnings as a fiction writer. I hope you'll be able to see more results from the fiction side of things soon enough. This is a dream I've loved for many years, and I'm gonna follow it through to the end. Of course, the A-List has also been like a dream come true. So I really, really do hope I'll be able to come back. I want to take this time to thank each and every person who has ever stopped by and read or listened to a review. I want to thank you for standing by this little trash site and witnessing the madness of my passion. I want to thank you for inspiring me to check out new movies and to renew my relationship with cinema as a whole. I have seen so many beautiful movies now and it would not be possible if this site, and your interest in it, hadn't broadened a once-narrow worldview. I hope I have brought light in your life, because you sure as hell have done so with me.
This is not goodbye. Only good night. Every good show should end on a good song, so...play me out, Bea Arthur!!
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